We are always in need of PEOPLE who are willing to share their time and talents to make the ministry of “catechesis” happen. No role is too big or too small, as ALL contribute to the formation process in one way or another:
…..classroom teachers….. substitute teachers….. classroom aide….. office helper….. hall monitors….. hospitality work….. photographer….. technology supporter….. special event helper
Please consider sharing your time in some way with us.
I am interested in helping SCL Catechetical Ministry. Please contact me so we can talk."Catechists are people who keep the memory of God alive;
they keep it alive in themselves and are able to revive it in others."
~Pope Francis
"Faith formation is more than a subject to be taught - it is an invitation to a way of life."
~Joe Paprocki, DiM and Catholic author
Could I be a Catechist?
Do you:
Please, also, consider helping as part of our Substitute Catechist Team!
This is not a huge commitment, but is most helpful when out Catechists are unable to be present.
PLEASE HELP SUPPORT OUR PROGRAM AND CATECHISTS… they get sick, have appointments, and kids with activities, too!
Contact Lisa Ruggieri at 412-83-1010 or lruggieri@sclpgh.org with any questions you might have regarding this ministry.
We have approximately 800 children in our Religious Education Program with over 90 volunteers. All volunteers 18 years of age and older must complete the required Diocesan forms and Safe Environment requirements for the safety and wellbeing of our children.