Welcome to the St. Catherine Laboure parish OCIA program. This program is designed for persons who wish to explore the Catholic faith and/or are considering entering the Church. It is also for those adults who may be baptized Catholic but did not receive some or any of the Sacraments beyond baptism. We journey through the Catechism of the Catholic Church by engaging in prayerful study and discussion of the person of Jesus Christ and the Church He founded. We explore the teachings and practice of the Catholic Faith in preparation for reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation. OCIA is an exciting and spiritually enriching journey of learning, discovery, and preparation for a life-long sacramentally fed spiritual life in the Catholic Church.
Are you or someone you know being called by Our Lord to explore the Catholic Faith? We invite all seekers and inquirers to join in the OCIA journey. It would be an exciting privilege for the OCIA team to accompany you on this transformative journey. Interested? Have questions? Email the OCIA team at rcia@sclpgh.com. You have nothing to lose and eternal life to gain!