As members of St. Catherine Labouré Parish, our Mission is to Learn Jesus, Love Jesus, and Live Jesus and to invite others to share in the Sacramental Life of the Catholic faith.
The code of Canon Law states that:
"After the diocesan bishop has listened to the presbyteral council and if he judges it opportune, a pastoral council is to be established in each parish; the pastor presides over it, and through it the Christian faithful along with those who share in the pastoral care of the parish in virtue of their office give their help in fostering pastoral activity." (Canon 536, par.1)
The purpose of the council is to further the work of the Church by fostering the spiritual growth of parishioners and leading them to respond actively to their universal call to mission. The council is set up to assist in the Church’s apostolic work, whether in the field of making the gospel known and people holy or in charitable, social or other spheres.
Our Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body that serves to advise the Pastor and support the Parish Staff to investigate, consider and recommend pastoral initiatives to further the mission of the Parish Faith Community as an extension of the Mission of Jesus.
To fulfill the Parish Mission and enrich parish life for all, the Parish has formed the following laity chaired and populated committees:
Communications and Public Relations Committee
Evangelization and Discipleship Committee
Hospitality and Fellowship Committee
Outreach Committee
Safety, Building and Grounds Committee
Worship Committee
For more information regarding the Mission and Responsibilities for each of these committees please see the link at the bottom of the page.
If you are passionate about your Catholic Faith and interested in positively impacting parish life at St. Catherine Labouré we ask you to consider joining one of these committees and/or expressing interest in becoming a member of the Council. If you want more information about the Council or one of the Committees, please reach out to a Council Member. To begin the process of joining please complete an interest form at the link below.
The following are the members of the St. Catherine Laboure Parish Pastoral Council as of March 2024:
Fr. Jeff Craig, Pastor
Jim Drummond, President
Don Krawiec, Vice President
Susan Rosati, Secretary
Scott Carnivale
Bill Collins
Mike Dobos
Nikki Eckenrode
Laurie Minczeski
Christina Mozes
Ian Valenta
Mike Zukowski
Deacon Rick Cessar, Ex Officio
In one way or another, we have all been blessed. Will you share your blessings? Will you give of yourself to God's kingdom through your actions - your time, talent, and treasures - to your parish? Can you give "just one": through a ministry or a special project? One hour per week? One hour per month? Here at St. Catherine Laboure Parish, your "just one" can truly make a difference!
Please click the button below to get involved. We would love for you to share your time, talent, and treasures with our Parish.