The St. Louise Men’s Golf League plays every Friday from May through September at the Lindenwood Golf Course. The starting time is between 3 – 6 PM. You can show up between these times as your schedule permits. We play 9 holes of golf and you are welcome to ride or walk. You will be grouped into a foursome with one player being your opponent for that evening based on similar golf league handicaps. Each group is set up based on arrival and registration at our league starter table.
The league maintains 9-hole golf handicap for each member and that is the basis for each match.
The league is made up of eight teams and ALL league members will be drafted onto a team for the 2024 season. There will be no “rabbit” category. Our intent is to increase the team concept for the whole league and not just those drafted onto eight-man teams as in prior years. Team sizes will be determined once the league membership number is finalized. Team points will be calculated by using the top seven scores for each team. We are not expecting all league members to commit to playing weekly. For those league members with limited availability, for any reason, just come out to play whenever you are available. Our goal is to have all league members have the positive experience being a team member and get to know more people in the league. There will no longer be two categories of league members. As in the past, each league player will play against another member from an opposing team. Scorecards will be returned the same day to the starter or a league officer. Every effort should be made to play against a different opponent each week, when possible, to maximize your opportunity to meet other league members.
Aside from golf, one of the best aspects of the league is a social dinner prepared weekly by alternating league teams along with our fellowship gathering every week following golf at one of the parish halls. We also have special holiday golf outings and an end of year golf outing. The league provides a bus to the year-end event.
The league is celebrating 50+ seasons with 100+ parish members and is governed by a time-tested set of league Bylaws. We have a plaque in LeGras Hall recognizing past league presidents and a yearly league championship trophy that is updated with the winning team name and passed on from year to year, like the hockey Stanley Cup but more prestigious!
To be eligible to join the league a new player or his wife must be a member of St. Catherine Labouré Parish (formerly St. Louise de Marillac Parish and St. Joan of Arc Parish). All members must be at least 21 years of age. If you have questions, please contact Patrick Rodgers at 412-418-9922 or via email at