2024-2025 Faith Formation Registration will open on Tuesday, May 28 at 7:00 pm
Important information about 2024-25 Children & Youth Faith Formation registration:
St. Catherine Labouré Parish Faith Formation options include Family Catechesis (grades K-5), Middle School Ministry (grades 6-8), and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (ages 3-8 by Aug. 31)
Family Catechesis sesssion options:
Early (8:30-10:00 am) OR
Mid (11:00-12:30 pm) OR
Late (5:30-7:00 pm) OR
Wednesday (5:30-7:00 pm)
Please choose ONE session that best fits your families schedule.
All sessions are located at St. Louise site (STL School Cafeteria).
Families (at least one adult) meet for 8 sessions ONCE per month, Sept. - April.
Please see SIMPLE LISTING of SESSIONS for more details. 2024-25 Calendar will be final and posted soon.
Middle School Ministry sessions options:
Sunday Late (5:30-7:00 pm) OR
Wednesday (5:30-7:00 pm)
Please choose ONE session that best fits your 6-8th graders schedule.
All sessions are located at St. Louise site (LeGras Hall, lower level).
Tweens/teens meet for 16 sessions TWICE per month, Sept. - early May.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd session options;
(9:30-11:00 am) OR
(5:00-6:30 pm) OR
Thursday (5:00-6:30 pm)
Please choose the session that best fits your 3-8 yr. old's schedule.
All sessions are located at St. Joan of Arc site.
Children meet each week for 24 sessions beginning early Sept. - April.
All 1st time registrants of St. Catherine Labouré must submit a Baptismal Certificate with Registration Form unless baptized at St. Joan of Arc or St. Louise de Marillac.
Session Fees:
One child: $60
Two children: $95
Three or more children: $130
Families may register online (with digital payment) or submit a printable form (check or cash). Paper forms may be dropped of at either church's office or via mail:
St. Catherine Laboure Faith Formation
St. Joan of Arc Church
6414 Montour Street
South Park, PA 15129
St. Catherine Laboure's Faith Formation staff and offices are located in the St. Joan of Arc Church building. Any questions, please email faithformation@sclpgh.org, or call 412-835-1155
2024-25 faith formation Calendar
First Reconciliation celebration and First Eucharist Mass are selected by the family via Flocknote sign-up.
First Reconcilation typcally occurs in late January or February. First Eucharist Masses typically are scheduled in April thru early May