Catholic Men’s Fellowship of St. Catherine Labouré offers men of the parish the opportunity to share their faith and love for Christ, as Catholic Christian men, through prayer, education, fellowship and service to others. To fulfill this Mission, CMF draws upon the group’s spirit of evangelization and individual talents to offer all men of the parish participation in the following initiatives:
We gather in Christ’s presence to learn and foster fellowship by sharing our experiences, strengths and hope, and to prayerfully support one another in an atmosphere of trust and confidentiality. Weekly meetings are held in LeGras Parish Center, Lower Level on Saturday mornings at 7:30am to 9:00am. For those who prefer a weekday alternative, we meet on Thursday mornings from 7:30am to 8:00am in the LeGras Parish Center conference room.
The Community Outreach and Volunteer Initiative seeks to promote fellowship among the men of the parish by providing all men of the parish volunteer opportunities to those who are seeking to broaden their Catholic faith by serving the needs of others. Current programs include:
The Family Enrichment Initiative is to establish, promote, and coordinate family enrichment among all men of the parish by helping fathers be more Christ-centered with regards to family life and to awaken and enhance the role of men in creating Christ-centered family life.
Spiritual Growth Initiative is to make available and promote resources that encourage all men of our parish to engage in those activities and habits that facilitate a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and fellow Christians at work, home and at play.